Kamalani – brown & white pinto gelding; born 2005; adopted 2007 from the Wheeler Pass HMA (Horse Management Area).
Okole – young jack (male) burro; born 2008 or 2010; adopted Sep 2012 from Blue Diamond roundup in the Red Rock HMA.
Matt adopted gentle Kamalani in 2007 and then in September 2012, he adopted Okole when 30 burros were rounded up in Blue Diamond because they became nuisances to residents and vehicles after being fed by people sometimes just to improve picture-taking opportunities. Within a week, Matt and Kamalani were able to lead Okole on a trail ride back into the burro’s home range (see picture left).
Matt trained Kamalani and together they wander the trails in the Spring Mountains. Compared to domestic horses, Matt discovered Kamalani to be extremely hardy, can go unshod on any trail, drinks far less than domestic horses, and enjoys eating the underbrush during trail rides. The bond between these two is deep and a joy to see.