Posted: 17 Dec 2012 12:02 PM PST
Saving the Spring Mountain herd
Thinking “outside the box” – Article from December issue of The Racing Journal
Posted: 12 Sep 2012 00:02 AM PDT
International Equine Conference
At the Equine Welfare Alliance’s second annual Equine Conference in Las Vegas September 21,22 and 23, The Spring Mountain Alliance will present their proposal to preserve the wild horses and burros of Las Vegas for the enjoyment of future generations of Nevadans and international tourists. In addition, the conference attendees can take a Wild Horse Tour on September 21, 2012. For more details please visit:
International Equine Conference Information
Posted: 17 Feb 2012 01:52 PM PST
Humane Population Management – For Horses and Other Mammals
This week ended with an announcement by the federal government that may turn out to be a historic step forward in our efforts to protect the nation’s remaining free-roaming wild horses and burros. Today, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the official registration of …[Read More]
Posted: January 20, 2012
Administration Continues Push to Promote Tourism and Access to Outdoor Recreation
Washington, D.C. – Following on President Obama’s announcement yesterday of steps he’s taking to help boost U.S. tourism, the Administration today convened the first meeting of an interagency group to promote recreation and improve coordination among federal land and water management agencies. [Read More ]